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Swimming Pools on my Roof

This week we worked on the art elements of form. To do this, I had the class give me a list of basic shapes and then I picked three main shapes to focus on. A triangle, a circle, and a square. They drew these shapes on a piece of paper, and then I would show them on the white board how to give them form. After each shape, I gave them a minute to try it themselves. I then gave them the freedom to explore with these shapes and try other shapes. The next part was really fun for the class. I had them use these shapes we had just learned about to create their dream house. They had some very creative ideas. One student had a pool on the roof of their house, another had vines climbing the side of the house with koalas hanging on. It was cool to see their creativity and see how much fun they had with this activity. Some students struggled with giving shapes form, but with some one-on-one instruction, they also got the hang of it. Finally, the students incorporated these shapes into their comics for the day. They had to get really creative with how they used this art element in their drawings. Some turned them into boxes, some turned them into plants, and some turned them into buildings. This was definitely the hardest element yet for many of the students, but they came a long way and were able to effectively draw shapes with form.

Attached is the lesson plan for this week:

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